Morris photo

About Dr. Catherine Morris

Dr. Catherine Morris is an extensively experienced physician who specializes in internal medicine, and has practiced at Medical Associates of North Georgia since 1994. She serves as the primary care physician for many of her patients and focuses on the diagnosis, treatment and management of diseases of the internal organs without surgical intervention. She is also a proud member of the medical staff of Northside Hospital Cherokee. Dr. Morris resides in Canton with her husband, Ricky, and they have three sons and two daughters. They are active members of the Woodstock First Baptist Church.Dr. Morris diagnoses and treats patients 18 years of age and older.

Catherine sees patients at our main office in Canton.

Education and Training

  • Doctor of Medicine, Medical College of Georgia
  • Internship, Internal Medicine, New Hanover Memorial Hospital
  • Residency, Internal Medicine, New Hanover Memorial Hospital

Certifications and Affiliations

  • Board Eligible, Internal Medicine

Northside Provider Directory Details

View Dr. Catherine Morris's profile in the Northside Hospital Physician Directory